Lord of the Valley Lutheran Church Mission Endowment Fund

Learn about it.  Be a part of it.

It is with great enthusiasm and an outpouring of gratefulness that we announce a new way to be involved in the ongoing ministries of Lord of the Valley Lutheran Church.  Thanks to the foresight and generosity of the Mark family, the LOTV Mission Endowment Fund has launched!  This fund will hold contributions from our donors who offer current and/or estate gifts to support the missions of this congregation.

This “Generosity for the Future” will grow over time, through accumulated contributions made by our congregants and then distributed via investment returns.  As part of ELCA Foundation, it will generate stable and consistent distributions on a regular and ongoing basis from you through to the missions of LOTV to the communities we serve.  The larger our Fund grows, the more dollars for our gifts to the community.

Become involved.

There are many ways for you to join in today, and into tomorrow.

Consider these:

  1. Help shape our generosity. Become part of the Mission Ministry Team to create and continually update the “Needs, Wants, Goals” of our outreach missions to the community.  Through these efforts, our Endowment Fund will respond to the needs providing ongoing financial support.
  2. Consider your own “Generosity for the Future” today. We welcome all who wish to make contributions to the ministries and missions reaching out to our community. Your contribution can be added together with others’ and thus grows exponentially. Truly a way to share your “Generosity for the Future”.
  3. Consider naming Lord of the Valley as a percentage-based beneficiary to an existing IRA, 401k (all it takes is an online change). And/or naming LOTV as a beneficiary to a will or estate plan.

We will host upcoming sessions to explain more about this exciting new way to get involved and make a difference. Should you have any questions or wish to get involved, reach out to Bob Vogel at

Your Gifts & Endowment Committee:
Bob Vogel, Chairman
Susan Odneal, Secretary & Treasurer
Sue Brooks
Pastor Brian Bergum
Roger Odneal